Posted: May 8, 2007 by dillion in Uncategorized

So, I had so much fun making the last list, whaddya think of another poll?  I was thinking of possible topics, and I then I realized: The reason the last poll was so good was ’cause it introduced me to Slint (I’m still looking for a proper album–not easy to find) and reintroduced me to Husker Du (just bought Zen Arcade–love it!)  But my collection is light on the ladies.  So . . .

The ten best women of indie rock?  Again, indie would mean ladies (or gal-fronted bands) who released material on a label independent from the RIAA.  Your votes should be based on that independent material, not on stuff they released since they were signed to a big label.

For my own list, I’d have to include Karen O of the Yeah Yeah Yeahs, Marnie Stern, and Susanna Hoffs (who, ironically, released better material after she was dropped from Polygram).  I don’t wanna add more names, because I don’t want to influence the voting.

Whaddya’ll think?  Wanna do it?  If so,  drop me a comment with your list or shoot me an e-mail.  If I get about 100 responses, I’ll tally the results and print them.

Let’s do this!

  1. DuMaurier says:

    1. Kim Deal
    2. Leslie Feist
    3. Marnie Stern
    4. Corin Tucker
    5. Carrie Brownstein
    6. Chan Marshall
    7. Kim Gordon
    8. Julia Cafritz
    9. Cristina Martinez
    10. Tanya Donelly

  2. B says:

    1. Jenny Lewis
    2. Kori Gardner
    3. Karen O
    4. Neko Case
    5. Kim Gordon
    6. Ashlin Phillips
    7. Caithlin De Marrais
    8. Neely Jenkins
    9. Abby DeWald/Amanda Barrett
    10. Imogen Heap (Almo Sounds)

  3. jason says:

    1. Polly Jean Harvey (still love her)
    2.Kathleen Hanna (I still miss Bikini Kill)
    3.Kim Deal
    4.Kim Gordon (# 1 in terms of influence)
    5.All of Sleater Kinney
    6.Régine Chassagne
    7.Emily Haines
    8.Meg White (I can’t help but think she’s cute)
    9.Andrea from Pretty Girls Make Graves
    10.Kathy Foster (from the Thermals)

  4. jason says:

    And a #11 to The Go-Go’s. IRS years.

  5. Mathias says:

    I could honestly only come up with a few that I own and love that are indie all the way, but if you haven’t already I would definitely check these out:

    Sipping Soma
    Sleater Kinney
    Kimya Dawson

    Other favorites who “sold out”:

    Liz Phair – Exile in Guyville will always be a classic, Whip Smart was still good, and then I think it’s been down hill from there
    Maggie Estep – Hey Baby is the song I intend to use to teach my two daughters how to respond to stupid pick up lines… it’s beautiful, I love it!
    Dance Hall Crashers – were indie, briefly went with MCA, now w/ Pink & Black, whatever, I think all their music’s been fun, so I’ve stuck w/ ’em… that and DHC + Shoebomb was one of the better live shows I’ve seen
    The Muffs – similar label story to DHC… I love the way Kim Shattuck roars though… so hot!
    Shonen Knife
    Imogen Heap/Frou Frou
    Rasputina – Actually started w/ a major label then got dropped… eh, whatever, still good stuff

    And a few more chick rockers who as far as I know have never released anything not on a major label, but who I still love unapologettically:

    that dog
    PJ Harvey

  6. ekko says:

    Keep ’em coming guys! Either here or if you’re having trouble here, shoot me an e-mail

    ekalett @

  7. Emily says:

    in no specific order:
    rosie thomas
    nina nastastia
    the innocence mission
    laura veirs
    kimya dawson
    haley bonar
    marissa nadler
    gillian welch
    kim gorden

  8. elliot says:

    Here’s my 10:
    1. M.I.A. (c’mon, she’s kinda rock)
    2. Sia
    3. Brandi Carlile
    4. Jenny Lewis (Rilo Kiley)
    5. Feist
    6. Patty Griffin
    7. Luscious Jackson (whole band)
    8. Nico
    9. Patti Smith
    10. Liz Phair
    11. Scarlett Johansson (Jesus and Mary Chain).

  9. alpha (fe)male says:

    I’ll go for-
    1. Liz Phair!
    2. Meg White (white stripes)
    3. Kim Deal
    4. Anouk
    5. Katy Hanna (Bikini Kill)
    5. Emily Haines (Metric)
    7. Riff Randle.

  10. JoggerDog says:

    Patti Smith
    Janis Joplin
    Annie (who did that “Anniemal” album)
    Neko Case
    Caitlin Cary (Whiskeytown)
    Emily Haines

    NO FEIST. The fucking sell out.

  11. Darrel says:

    1. Inara George the fucking G.O.A.T
    That concludes my top ten

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